GhostWalkers Series:
Shadow Game
Mind Game
Night Game
Conspiracy Game
Deadly Game
Predatory Game
Murder Game
Street Game
Ruthless Game
Samurai Game (2012)
For more information visit Christine Feehan's website
When Captain Ryland Miller and his elite team signed up to take part in Dr Peter Whitney's experiement they were told that they would have their natural psychic abilities enhanced making them a powerful asset to the military. As their powers begin to grow it soon becomes clear that something has gone very wrong. Seperated from each other and locked in cages the men start dying - Ryland has a feeling that their deaths aren't an accident and that he could be the next on their enemies list. Feeling responsible for his team Ryland is determined to get them out but he doesn't know who he can trust.
When Dr Whitney asks Lily to help him she agrees but when he goes missing shortly after bringing her on board she is thrown in the deep end trying to figure out exactly what her father was involved in. There is an instant attraction between Lily and Ryland but it is more important that they find a way to help his team and discover who is behind the deaths and Dr Whitney's disappearance.
Shadow Games is the first book I've read by Christine Feehan - I'd heard a lot of great things about her Carpathians Dark series but when I spotted this in the library I thought I'd give it a try. I'm really pleased I picked it up & will definitely be reading more books by this author. This was very different to anything I've read before but I really loved the GhostWalkers (Ryland's team) and found it interesting looking at the idea of enhancing psychic abilities for the use of the military.
Ryland is a great hero - loyal to his team and determined to save them he is also incredibly sexy and not afraid of his feelings for Lily, he knows what he wants and will do whatever it takes to make it happen. Lily is intelligent and beautiful but also shy and somewhat naive - the feelings she has for Ryland are all new to her and she worries about her inexperience. With Ryland's help it doesn't take long for her passionate side to come to the surface which leads to some very erotic scenes between them.
Although I would class this as a paranormal romance there was also a lot of action and some great twists in the storyline. Not only do Lily and Ryland have to try and discover who is trying to sabotage their team but Lily also has to find a way to help the men deal with their new psychic powers so that they have a chance at living a normal life. We don't get to know the rest of the team well but from the glimpses of them that we've seen I'm really looking forward to reading their stories. I will definitely be reading the rest of this series and I'm looking forward to trying some of Christine's other books too. I'd recommend this to paranormal romance or urban fantasty fans who enjoy a story with plenty of hot sex scenes along with an action packed story line about hunky military men. What more can a girl ask for?
Source: Library
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Great review! I'm rereading this series right now, it has its good installments and its less-than-good ones but Shadow Games gets things off to a good start. If you're going to keep going with the series, have lots of Kleenex ready when you read Night Game (Gator and Flame's book), I BAWLED through the second half. I'll have to pop back in when I get my review posted!
ReplyDeleteThanks Emily, I'm looking forward to reading more of this series :o) I have book 2 (Mind Game) in my TBR pile & will have to get hold of the others. It's a shame that there are a few books that aren't as good as the others - I've noticed that with a few series but hopefully I'll still enjoy them. I'll make sure I keep tissues to hand for Night Game LOL :o) Let me know when you've posted your review & I'll add your link