
Monday 11 June 2012

Blog Tour Guest Post: The World of Burn Mark by Laura Powell

To celebrate the release of her new book Burn Mark I'm delighted to welcome Laura Powell to the blog today to tell you more about the world she has created. Burn Mark is a great start to a new series set in London and I really enjoyed it, check back later to read my review.

Glory is from a family of witches and lives beyond the law. She is desperate to develop her powers and become a witch herself. Lucas is the son of the Chief Prosecutor for the Inquisition—the witches’ mortal enemy—and his privileged life is very different to the forbidden world that he lives alongside.

And then on the same day, it hits them both. Glory and Lucas develop the Fae—the mark of the witch. In one fell stroke, their lives are inextricably bound together, whether they like it or not . . .

You can find out more by visiting Laura Powell's website, following her on Twitter or finding her on Facebook.

Also check out this fab trailer that Bloomsbury have created for Burn Mark:

Now please give a warm welcome to Laura Powell who is here to talk about the world of Burn Mark!

Laura Powell

The World of Burn Mark

Burn Mark is set in an alternate modern Britain, where witches are a persecuted underclass and the Inquisition is an elite police force. There are public burnings for the worst witch-crimes, and the Inquisition’s witch-hunters duck, prick and bridle witches just as they did hundreds of years ago.

I wanted to find a way of making witchcraft both scary and sexy. So although my witches have supernatural mental powers, their work is more like voodoo than magic in the traditional sense, and uses bits of rubbish and mud and bodily parts. Sometimes it’s literally a matter of blood, sweat and tears!

While licensed witches work for the state, illegal ones turn to crime, working for mafia-like gangs known as covens. My heroine, Glory, is from a famous East End crime family. She takes great pride in being a witch, and sees the Inquisition as evil oppressors. The other main character, Lucas, is the son of the Chief Prosecutor of the Inquisition. He’s from a very privileged background, and regards witches as deviants and terrorists. But on the day Lucas himself comes down with the “fae”, the mark of a witch, his and Glory’s fates become inextricably bound together…

Thanks so much for a fab guest post Laura!

What do you all think? If you haven't already got Burn Mark on your wish list I bet you'll be adding it now! Don't forget to check back later to read my full review & click on the image below to see the other stops on the Burn Mark blog tour.


  1. This sounds really cool! As its release date approaches, I'm learning more and more about this book, which is great as it peps me up for when I read my e-ARC later this week.

  2. @ Bookworm1858 - I really hope you enjoy this one as much as I did :o)
