
Wednesday 31 October 2012

Review: Unfed - Kirsty McKay

They're back . . . and this time they're hungry.

The good news: Bobby survived her unreal school trip. 
The bad news: Her best bud Smitty is missing, there are undead everywhere and they're getting hungrier . . .

It's a no-brainer. Somehow she must find some living friends - and the antidote - before everyone's toast.

The Undead Series:

Visit Kirsty McKay's website for more information

I loved Kirsty McKay's debut Undead and I was hoping we'd get to see a sequel so as soon as I found out that Unfed was being published I couldn't wait to read it. Once again the author has hit the ball out of the park and created a fabulous read that is perfect for zombie fans.

The story continues right after the end of Undead, Bobby and her friends have been picked up by another school bus and think they've managed to leave the zombies far behind them but when the bus crashes they quickly find themselves back in danger. With Smitty missing it is up to Bobby, Alice and Pete, along with newcomer Russ, to find him using the clues that Bobby's mum has left for them. Even if they do manage to get the group back together can they find a way to get out of Scotland now that the country has been overrun by zombies and officially quarantined from the rest of the world?

Bobby is exactly how I remembered her - she is strong, resilient and knows how to kick zombie butt, there is no way she is going to give up on Smitty and she will do whatever it takes to find him. Pete tends to be the brains behind the operation and is great when it comes to figuring out the clues they have been given even when he isn't the best at physically fighting. Alice can be a bit hopeless but she always manages to look perfect and I have to admit to laughing at some of the things she gets up to. I did find myself missing the banter between Bobby and Smitty during the first half of the book but that was more than made up for when they finally catch up with him. Smitty manages to come up with such completely crazy ideas but they wouldn't have got as far as they did without him that's for sure. Newcomer Russ is a bit of a wild card, I was never quite sure what to make of him but there is no doubting that the others needed his fighting skills.

All the things I loved about Undead are back in Unfed - the black humour has a real British flavour to it and the book made me laugh out loud numerous times as I was reading. You also have all the blood and gore you'd expect from a zombie horror story. Anyone who loved the first book will enjoy this one just as much and if you haven't started the series yet then it's one I'd highly recommend.

Source: Received from Chicken House in exchange for an honest review

Other Reviews:
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