
Wednesday 1 May 2013

2013 British Books Challenge: Link your May Reviews

April was another fab month for the challenge with over 60 reviews posted again. I'm so pleased that this challenge continues to be so popular and I'm really enjoying reading all your reviews and getting some great recommendations for new books to try! I have to admit that I'm a bit behind where I wanted to be in this challenge by now. I have a lot of books by British authors on my to read pile though so I'm hoping to really focus on them this month.

I hope you all had a great month and are looking forward to May. I can't believe how quickly this year is flying by!

April Winner:

The fantastic March prize pack was generously sponsored by my lovely contact at Random House and the lucky winner will receive copies of The Last Minute by Eleanor Updale, The Lost Girl by Sangu Mandanna, How to Fall by Jane Casey, Silent Saturday by Helen Grant, The Stone Demon by Karen Mahoney, Dying to Know You by Aidan Chambers, ACID by Emma Pass and Turf by John Lucas.

I'm very happy to announce that the April winner is:

Mel from Mel's Random Reviews
(for her review of The Time Machine by H.G. Wells)

Congratulations Mel! You have 48 hours to email me with your address or a new winner will be chosen. By sending me your address you are agreeing that I can pass your details to my contact at Random House so that they can send out the prize pack.

May Prize Pack:

Our sponsor for the May prize pack is Oxford University Press and they have a wonderful selection of books from British authors to give away to the May winner. Trust me you're going to want to be in with a chance of winning this pack!

  • After Tomorrow by Gillian Cross
  • Hazel by Julie Hearn
  • Smuggler's Kiss by Marie-Louise Jensen
  • Waiting for Gonzo by Dave Cousins
  • Young Knights of the Round Table by Julia Golding
One winner will be picked at random from the list of valid reviews submitted each month and will be announced in the following month's review link up post. The winner will then have 48 hours to contact me to claim their prize or a new winner will be chosen. Obviously the more reviews you enter the greater your chance of winning but it doesn't matter if you only review one book (or even skip a month or two in the challenge!) you'll still be entered for each review you do write. I'm afraid that due to postage costs this month's prize pack will be open for UK participants only, the winner will need to give me permission to pass their address to my contact at Oxford University Press for them to send out the prize pack.

Important Information:
  1. Please make sure you sign up for the challenge before you start linking your reviews, I will delete links from people who aren't registered. You can sign up HERE if you haven't already.
  2. When you add your link to the Mr. Linky below please make sure you link directly to your review, not just to your blog (invalid links will be deleted)
  3. Books must have been read in 2013 to count towards the challenge so those books you read in December but reviewed in January don't count!
  4. Also, please make sure that the reviews you link are for books written by British Authors - they can be born in Britain (living here or abroad) or they can be adopted British Authors (who were born elsewhere and now live here) but if they don't fit into one of those categories then they don't count. (as above invalid links will be deleted and won't get you an entry into the prize pack). Please note that Britain includes England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, I'm afraid authors from Southern Ireland don't count.
  5. If you need ideas for books by British Authors check out the FAQ page for lots of suggestions. You don't have to choose books from these lists though - they are just to give you ideas if you need help!
Link Your Reviews:

Now for the important part, make sure you link all of your reviews using the Mr. Linky form below. In the Your Name field please include your blog name, the title of the book and the author. Make sure the link takes me directly to your review or your entry won't count and will be deleted from the list.


  1. Bit of a slow month for me - only 3 so far! Need to speed if I want to hit my target of 50 this year! :-)

  2. I know the feeling Mel, I definitely have some catching up to do if I want to read 50 books this year! We can do it though :o)

  3. Oops! I accidently messed up my first attempt at posting my Billy and Me review. Sorry about that!
