
Thursday 9 May 2013

Cover Reveal: Dream Nights with the CEO - Kathy Lyons

I'm a huge fan of Entangled Publishing's Brazen imprint, I've really enjoyed every book I've read from this range so I always jump at the chance of reading any new books they publish. Today I'm taking part in the cover reveal for an upcoming novel by Kathy Lyons (also known as Jade Lee). Dream Nights with the CEO is published on the 20th of May and I can't wait to get hold of a copy! Now lets have a look at the cover:

What do you think? I love the colouring but I also love the way all of the covers in the Brazen imprint are similar enough that you can tell instantly that they are part of the same collection. I only have to see a cover this style and I automatically add the book to my wish list!

Now have a quick look at the synopsis for the story:

Megan Bradford has been dreaming of a hot superhero, and the content has definitely gone X-rated. But when she realizes she’s been dreaming about her boss, millionaire Wyatt Monroe, her real life takes a turn for the bizarre. How can she write spreadsheets with him in the morning while remembering a midnight fantasy so hot that she’d practically melted the sheets?

Wyatt’s business is in a precarious position as he negotiates to add a new B&B to his hotel chain. Having dream sex with his assistant is a distraction he can’t afford. When he discovers they’ve been having the SAME dreams, fantasy and reality collide. He’s a man who likes everything in neat compartments, but Megan has a way of bleeding into every aspect of his life.

But their shared dreams aren’t just about hot sex. They point to key answers in their real lives. Megan gains a new understanding of her mother. Wyatt finds the courage to break out of his cold, business world. Everything is just starting to work out when Megan discovers that she’s pregnant. Suddenly what has been nighttime fun—awake and asleep—has become all too real.

Can they find a way to make it work professionally? Personally? Of course they can! Wyatt engineers a reconciliation with Megan’s family, and the baby is exactly what Wyatt needs to commit to a world beyond his corporation. Megan has the man she’s always wanted. And Wyatt learns she fits in perfectly in every aspect of his life – business, home, awake, and in his dreams.

Visit Kathy Lyons' website for more information

I can't wait to read this one! Are you adding it to your wish list?

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