
Tuesday 7 May 2013

Unbeautifully Loved Blog Tour: Extract & $50 Amazon Voucher Giveaway


Today I'm taking part in the blog tour for Emma Grayson's novel Unbeautifully Loved. This is a great debut that brings to light some difficult subjects such as marital abuse and attempted rape but it handles them with sensitivity. I'll be posting my review later today but in the meantime let me share some more information about the book with you:

In three words I can sum up everything I learned about life. Regardless of the shit going on in your life, this fact still remains.

It. Goes. On

Lexie Todd knew these 3 simple words. They were her mantra. So, after dealing with years of abuse at the hands of her boyfriend and the father of her son, she knows what needs to be done. With help from her best friend Mollie, they go on the run.

After months of being on the run they finally find the perfect town to settle in. Unable to trust and always having her guard up, the last thing Lexie wants is to get involved with Lukas Gunn.

Persistent, annoying, bossy, over protective and extremely hot, Detective Lukas Gunn.

After an incident leaves her vulnerable, Lukas knows there’s something haunting her. He’s determined to find out, wanting to protect her and make her his. But Lexie is determined also. Not wanting to give up her past, she pushes him away. Repeatedly.

But when history repeats itself, will Lexie finally be able to trust those around her to keep her safe? Will Lukas be able to save her? Or will Lexie succumb to only knowing what it’s like to be Unbeautifully Loved?

Breathe Again Series:
Unbeautifully Loved
Unbearable Guilt (Fall / Winter 2013)

Visit Emma Grayson's facebook page for more information

Now have a look at the extract below and let me know what you think. This really hooked me into the story and made it impossible not to read more to find out how Lexie ends up in this situation and what happens next!


Meeting him changed my life. I never thought I’d meet someone who’d finally complete me like he did. Someone who finally made me feel whole and loved as much as he did. There’s always been a void in my heart, a void I thought I’d never have. I was in love, deeply in love, the kind of love that only comes around once in a life time, the kind you don’t want to live without and he didn’t even know how I felt. I’d waited too long and I didn’t know if I’d ever get to tell him.

The thought of him fizzled from my mind as my body shook from the cold under the thin sheet of a blanket that was wrapped around me. I was in shock, I could tell. I knew the signs. I winced as I moved; shooting pain licked my body in every direction. I knew a couple of my ribs along with my wrist were broken, and possibly something on my face, as pain swept over it and into my head. I raised my free arm up slowly, painfully, feeling my damp face as my hand found its way to the laceration on the side of my head, the source of only some of the pain. Unable to hold my arm up for much longer, it fell to the side throbbing and dangling off the edge of the bed. My body, it was beaten and bruised possibly more than ever before and I could feel myself slipping away, wanting nothing but to close my eyes and sleep, but it was the last thing I’d allow myself to do.

My mind was disoriented; I had no idea what day it was or how long I had been locked in this cold, dark place. Time was frozen, becoming nonexistent, and I was sure the days were just bleeding together. I thought about Finn and Mollie, hoping and praying they were safe because I didn’t know if I was going to see them again. The thought of that was unbearable. My eyes watered, nose burned and I felt like I couldn’t breathe.

Pull it together.


I didn’t know where I was, why I was even here or what caused him to do what he did to me. I felt like my life, my being, was being sucked right out of me. The abuse had taken its toll on my body and I had no fight left in me. All hope that I had earlier was beginning to fade away.

The door creaking open brought me back from my thoughts, my eyes snapped closed at the light that followed him in. I wanted to pull my blanket up to hide myself and hope it would make me disappear but I couldn’t and there was no point in trying.

Looking at him you wouldn’t think any kind of malicious evil would consume him, but it did. It was written all over his face, in the grin he wore and the burning in his cold, dead blue eyes. A shiver ran through me as I thought of his eyes looking back at me, blank, filled with nothing but coldness and the brightness of those eyes forever gone. I’d never seen a pair of eyes so cold, or so hollow and dark, not even the pair I looked into years before compared to what I was seeing now.

He walked over to the side of the bed, no words said. His rough cold hands roamed over my hair down the side of my face and my body stilled as I wished him away. My eyes snapped shut not knowing what was about to come.

His hand slipped under the covers, gliding over my naked arm, stopping above my elbow, lingering there a moment before moving away and then my cuffed hand was free. His hand went back, gripping my arm tightly as he pulled me to a sitting position. Pain radiated through me as I let out a whimper. He pulled me to my frozen feet, my knees shook, feeling like they were going to give out, unable to support me. I felt myself sway to the side but his grip held me upright, tightly; his fingers dug into my arm, pinching my skin.

What’s one more bruise?

He started to pull me towards the open door, my eyes squinting, trying to adjust to the light. I didn’t know where we were going and I was sure it wasn’t going to be good and for the first time I was wishing to stay in the hole. I didn’t have any strength to fight him so I let him pull me, taking me wherever he was going.
Maybe I had it all wrong. Maybe it was meant to end here and meeting him, falling in love, having this emptiness I carried around finally filled, maybe it was only supposed to be... temporary.

Life had a way of playing cruel tricks on you.

This I knew.

Boy did I know.

I no longer saw the future with him as bright, happy and full of love; it was suddenly now empty, numb and full of complete and utter darkness.


Tour Wide Giveaway:

As part of the blog tour Emma Grayson is offering one lucky winner a $50 Amazon Voucher. You can enter using the rafflecopter widget below, the winner will be announced by Emma and contacted directly by her to arrange sending the prize.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Don't forget to check out the rest of the tour stops!

Guilty Pleasures
Read Our Lips

Italian Brat's Obsessions
Ruby's Books
Scandalicious Book Reviews
Feeling Fictional

Busy Moms Book Reviews
Lori's Book Blog
Sinfully Sexy Book Reviews
The Readers Roundtable by Candlelight
First Class Books

A Crazy Vermonter's Book Reviews
Jessy's Book Club
Read Your Writes Book Reviews
From the TBR Pile
Romantic Reading Escapes

Bookworm Brandee
Day Dreaming Book Reviews
Under the Covers
Flirting With Romance
Mrs Condit & Friends Read Books

Cocktails and Books
Devoured Words
The Little Black Book Blog
Tina's Book Reviews

Book Bitches Blog
Tattooed Book Review
Tiffany Talks Books
Three Chicks and Their Books

Sugar and Spice Book Reviews
For The Love Of Film And Novels
Jelena's Book Blog
My Fiction Nook

Queen of the Night Reviews
Simply Ali
Smardy Pants Book Blog

Full Moon Bites
Hesperia Loves Books
Red Headed Bookworm
Sunset Reader Reviews

The BookWhisperer
Shh Moms Reading


  1. This book sounds like it is a very intense story. I will definitely have to check it out :)

  2. UNBEAUTIFULLY LOVED does look totally amazing. I'm looking forward to such a great read.

  3. Sounds really interesting :) You are adding to my wish-list explosion you know :)

  4. @ June - it's definitely an intense story! I hope you enjoy it :o)

    @ Mary - I hope you like it!

    @ Emma - LOL I would apologise for adding to your wishlist but you do the same to me all the time so I'm not going to :oP
