
Wednesday 19 June 2013

Review: A Cursed Embrace - Cecy Robson + International Giveaway for a SIGNED copy of the book!

Celia Wird and her three sisters are just like other twenty-something girls—with one tiny exception: They are the products of a curse that backfired and gave each of them unique powers that made them, well, a little weird…

After Celia Wird and her sisters help master vampire Misha save his family, their powers are exposed to the supernatural community of the Lake Tahoe region. But fame comes at a price, and being “weird” isn’t always welcome.

To make matters worse, Celia desires the love of Alpha werewolf Aric, but his pack is bent on destroying their relationship to preserve his pureblood status. And once weres start turning up dead—with evidence pointing to the vampires—she must face the prospect of losing Aric forever. But the chaos only masks a new threat. An evil known as the Tribe has risen—and their sights are set on Celia and her sisters.

Weird Girls Series:
Gone Hunting
A Curse Awakened (Novella)
The Weird Girls (Novella)
Sealed with a Curse
A Cursed Embrace
A Cursed Moon (Novella)
Cursed by Destiny
A Cursed Bloodline
A Curse Unbroken
Of Flame and Promise
Of Flame and Light
Of Flame and Fate
Of Flame and Fury

Visit Cecy Robson's website for more information.

Having defeated their enemy and saved Misha and his family things should be settling down for Celia and her sisters, especially since they have started to get so close with werewolf alpha Aric and some of his warriors. Unfortunately nothing is ever simple for the girls and Aric's pack is determined to keep him and Celia apart. As if the pack politics weren't enough for them to deal with bodies start piling up as an unknown enemy starts chowing down on both humans and weres. Evidence points to the vampires but Celia knows that Misha can't be involved and is determined to uncover what is really going on. When it becomes clear that Celia and her sisters all have targets painted on their backs they realise they are in for the fight of their lives and even though they have both the weres and the vampires at their backs they might not be strong enough to survive.

I really enjoyed the previous stories in the Weird Girls series but A Cursed Embrace surpassed all of my expectations and completely blew Sealed with a Curse out of the water. This is quickly turning into one of my favourite urban fantasy series and I can't wait to see where Cecy Robson takes things next. These books really do have everything I look for in a good story - great characters, fabulous banter and a family bond that always comes first, humour, action and plenty of hot guys to drool over! A Cursed Embrace took me on an emotional roller coaster that left me reeling at the end, I felt everything right alongside Celia - her joy, happiness and love followed by her shock, horror and despair. Everything that she went through happened to me too and it's not often that I feel so connected to a character I that want to cry her tears for her.

Celia is a fighter, she has spent years protecting her sisters and she will do anything to keep them safe no matter what it costs her personally. She always puts everyone else first but has never really had anyone who was there to look out for her, as the oldest she took responsibility for the others and although they appreciate everything she has done for them it would be nice for someone to look out for her for a change. That is one of the things I loved most about Aric, the way he stands up for her and has her back no matter what anyone else says. I'll admit that meant I was disappointed with his actions later in the book, I understand why he did what he did but that doesn't mean it hurt me any less when he did it. I don't want to say too much here for fear of spoiling the story for you but I know what I'm hoping for as the series continues and I'll definitely be waiting for Aric to redeem himself!

A Cursed Embrace had me hooked from the very first page, the plot was fantastic, their enemies were creepy and horrifying and I had my heart in my mouth several times in absolute terror about what was about to happen. By the time I reached the end I felt like I'd been through the emotional equivalent of my washing machine spin cycle, I had been through every single possible emotion (some more than once) and I was left reeling at the end of it. The end of the book made me gasp out loud and I don't know how I'm going to survive the wait for the next book! If you haven't come across this series then I really can't recommend it highly enough, I would suggest reading the books in order though because you'd miss out on some important character development if you started part way through. Cecy Robson has now become one of my auto buy authors and I will be devouring anything else she publishes the second I can get my hands on it!

Source: Received from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review

Other Reviews:
If you have reviewed this book on your blog please leave a link to your review in the comments & I'll add the link here.

Paperback / Kindle:

International Giveaway Details:

Prize Pack (will be sent along with a signed copy of A Cursed Embrace)

I'm thrilled to be taking part in the blog tour to celebrate the release of A Cursed Embrace and thanks to Cecy Robson I'm hosting a fabulous giveaway so that one of my readers will be able to win a signed copy of A Cursed Embrace along with a swag pack (containing a bookmark, rack card, magnet, lip balm and signed postcard). Cecy is offering a giveaway at each stop on the blog tour so you can enter as many of the giveaways as you like to increase your chances of winning (find a list of all the tours tops on Cecy's website here).
  • Courtesy of Cecy Robson I have 1 SIGNED paperback copy of A Cursed Embrace along with a swag pack to giveaway to a lucky winner (giveaway is open internationally).
  • The winner's prize will be sent out directly by Cecy Robson so the winner must give me permission to pass their address on.
  • Winners will be chosen at random via rafflecopter but if you will only be able to win the A Cursed Embrace prize pack at one blog to make it fair to other participants. If the winner chosen has already won the prize pack elsewhere then a new winner will be chosen.
  • To enter please use the rafflecopter widget below, there are optional extra entries for following or tweeting about the giveaway but these are not required to enter.
  • The giveaway will close at 12:01am GMT on the 4th of July 2013 and the winner will be contacted soon afterwards. You will have 48 hours to reply to me with your address or A new winner will be chosen.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thank you for this awesome blog tour and so many opportunities to win such a fantastic gift set. I can't wait to read this one and A Cursed Moon in December, Bren is very interesting and it will be cool to get his perspective.

    1. I'm dying to get my hands on the next book Stephanie!! I love this series :-)

  2. Your status updates on GR really scared me, so does the review! I love the sound of this book, I really have to start the series.

    1. I love these books Aly! Fingers crossed you enjoy them as much as I do :o)

  3. This sounds like a good book! :D

  4. I can't wait to read this book!!

    1. I hope you love it as much as I did Krysten :o)

  5. Thank you for the giveaway! I'm so excited for the next book but nervous about what's going to happen between Aric and Celia.

    1. I feel exactly the same Amanda, I'm so nervous that they might not end up together!

  6. Thanks for this great giveaway! Can't wait to read books. Love the covers.

    1. The covers are fab aren't they Maritza :o)

  7. I Love the Weird Girls. They are awesome. I am looking forward to all the future books. Thanks for the giveaway.

  8. Thanks for your review and the giveaway! I also want to read A Cursed Embrace so bad. It's so rare a first book, and also debut, that make me hooked and beg for more. Anyone claim to love paranormal romance and urban fantasy must read this series!

  9. I enjoyed the review; this sounds like a great book.

  10. love this series! can't wait to see what happens next :)

  11. Sounds good, I'm a little scared about Celia and Arik now though cause I adore Arik and really want them to end up together! I love them as a couple and think they're meant to be so I'll be really disappointed if they don't end up together! Love the sisters though!

  12. I can not wait to read this!! From what I've read it sounds better than the first one. Ah fingers crossed for the giveaway, thank you Cecy for the chance.

  13. Love this series. It's awesome. Thanks for the giveaway.

  14. Absolutely LOVE this series! Its one of my favs. Can't wait to see what happens.

    -Amanda P

    Lets Get Romantical
    Where the Night Kind Roam

  15. Love the name of this series!

  16. I haven't started this series yet, but A CURSED EMBRACE does look amazing.

  17. This series is awesome, the first book is one of my faves of all time.

  18. OMG!! Great review! I’ve been major fiending for this series ever since I read an excerpt from book one! Living vicariously through PNRs, I wouldn’t mind being caught between a vampire and werewolf or Fey Prince and a vampire. But in reality, I would probably be too chicken sh*T to ever be in the middle of that:)

  19. I can't wait to read this, it sounds awesome!

  20. I love the sound of these :) Thanks for the chance.

  21. I hope I get the chance to read this since it isn't available in our local bookstores yet :)

  22. Sounds really good!
    Thanks for the giveaway! :)

  23. I keep on seeing some great reviews on this series, can't wait to read.

  24. This sounds really interesting...can't wait to read it! Thanks for the giveaway!

  25. Thanks for your comments everyone, this is an amazing book in a fab series and I loved it! I hope you all check out the series if you haven't already :o)

    I'll be announcing the giveaway winner tomorrow so good luck to everyone who entered!!

  26. Thank you to Sarah for the wonderful praise and support of my Weird Girls series and for everyone who stopped by. You honor me with your kind words!

    1. Thanks so much Cecy, I love your books and can't wait to carry on reading the series :o)
